What is the relationship between wokeism and identity politics?

Borrow some of the moral scaffolding of Christianity while discarding the dirty ones. Wokeist identity politics is presented as a substitute. It borrows part of the moral framework of Christianity and, at the same time, discards its most essential element. This is the supernatural victory of Christ that makes it possible to resolve every transgression and to cleanse the guilt.

As that solution disappears, those who are awake argue endlessly about who is and who is not on the side of Good. They contemplate with joy the increasingly severe punishments that the righteous must impose on transgressors. Heteronormative white men become the scapegoat who must answer for all moral crimes. The practitioners of the awakened faith seek to demonstrate their status as elected in the hierarchy of victims.

They do so through the evidence, often invented, of their oppression and the boundless revenge of their desire to scourge sinners. Power and Purity presents Wokeism as a bastard child of Christian concern for victims and of Nietzschean will to power. He argues that big technologies pursue corporate wokeism because appearing to embrace social justice adapts to the commercial interests of those companies, both in terms of hiring and attractiveness for their customers.

Hilary Gibbons
Hilary Gibbons

Subtly charming twitter ninja. Freelance zombie guru. Friendly bacon enthusiast. Tv scholar. Extreme food junkie.

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