What strategies can be used to reduce the effects of cognitive dissonance on creativity and innovation?

AR reduces dissonance by reducing the perceived similarity of alternatives and the confusion caused by excessive choice. This type of incongruity called cognitive dissonance can cause serious mental distress. That's because if you're not aware of yourself, cognitive dissonance can cause you to act and feel quite out of place. You haven't thought much about it before, but if you keep choosing the same clothes, you'll feel a certain cognitive dissonance.

The concept of cognitive dissonance is explained very well in this YouTube video by social psychologist Andy Luttrell. The uncomfortable feeling you feel when you think about where food comes from is a well-documented example of cognitive dissonance. The brain will try to resolve cognitive dissonance on its own, but that doesn't mean you can't have a say in the process. To explain this phenomenon, psychologist Leon Festinger presented the idea of cognitive dissonance.

Lower cognitive dissonance directly increases the intention to purchase and, indirectly, the willingness to pay more. The discrepancy between attitude and behavior (eating a donut while thinking about reducing calorie intake) causes a psychological discomfort called cognitive dissonance (Harmon-Jones, 2011). The research expands the knowledge of the benefits that AR provides to consumers in decision-making through its impacts on perceived similarity, confusion due to overchoice, and cognitive dissonance prior to purchase. Specifically, this research examines the impact of perceived similarity between options, the confusion caused by overchoice, and cognitive dissonance prior to purchase on behavioral variables of purchase intention related to purchase intention, such as purchase intention and willingness to pay for products.

Learning what cognitive dissonance is, why it's so powerful, and how managing it can get you back to taking charge. The results showed that RA reduces cognitive dissonance through its effects on perceived similarity and confusion caused by overchoice. It provides an introduction to theory and covers the topics of cognitive dissonance after decisions, the effects of forced compliance, the impacts of voluntary and involuntary exposure to information, and the role of social support.

Hilary Gibbons
Hilary Gibbons

Subtly charming twitter ninja. Freelance zombie guru. Friendly bacon enthusiast. Tv scholar. Extreme food junkie.

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