What type of leadership reduces cognitive dissonance?

Cognitive dissonance is a known factor that influences the emotional state of individuals. In addition, for leaders, it also has an adverse impact on the decision-. In addition, for leaders, it also has an adverse impact on decision-making capacity, both as a result of the weakening of trust and because of the internal conflict of values that alters the clarity of the decision. In the same way, cognitive dissonance influences trust between the leader and the members of his team.

This type of incongruity called cognitive dissonance can cause serious mental distress. That's because if you're not aware of yourself, cognitive dissonance can cause you to act and feel quite out of place. In the author's opinion, the existence of absenteeism related to cognitive dissonance is very little recognized and underreported, which reduces the opportunities for introducing various corrective actions. For example, a person may get so tired of feeling cognitive dissonance every time they smoke that they seek help.

You haven't thought much about it before, but if you keep choosing the same clothes, you'll feel a certain cognitive dissonance. For example, a study conducted by Dechhawatanapaisal and Siengthai (200) explored the effect of cognitive dissonance in the workplace. Fourthly, some of the answers indicate an insufficient familiarity of the sample with the concept of cognitive dissonance and its manifestations in the emotional and psychological state of the individual. The most common causes of cognitive dissonance in organizational support functions are factors such as the particular management or leadership style, harassment, discrimination, the application of double standards, inappropriate or unethical business practices, and many others.

From the perspective of the entire team, cognitive dissonance can undermine the emotional climate within the team. While the effects of this disruption were not addressed in the survey, it is commonly believed that they have a negative impact on the work environment and are therefore consistent with the hypothesis that the effects of cognitive dissonance on leaders can be observed in relationships with their teams. Cognitive dissonance is a feeling of discomfort that appears when people encounter information that contradicts their beliefs, notions, or preconceived values (Festinger, 195). Next, at least one respondent provided a detailed description of the rewarding experience associated with observing student achievement, which is clearly unrelated to techniques for mitigating the effects of cognitive dissonance.

From the above information, it is evident that cognitive dissonance is a state rather than a discrete phenomenon and, despite residing in the domain of the subconscious, it can be successfully addressed through conscious effort. Most importantly, the answers to the closed and open questions conclusively pointed to the fact that the discomfort associated with cognitive dissonance impairs the ability to achieve established goals and move in the direction described by the organization. A better alternative to reduce dissonance is to add new consonant cognitions, also known as selective exposure (cf. For example, the proportion of responses about the effects of cognitive dissonance does not match the reported observations about the discomfort associated with conflicting ethical values and objectives).

From a theoretical point of view, the findings of the study are valuable primarily as confirmation of the existing understanding of the effects of cognitive dissonance on leaders in the professional environment.

Hilary Gibbons
Hilary Gibbons

Subtly charming twitter ninja. Freelance zombie guru. Friendly bacon enthusiast. Tv scholar. Extreme food junkie.

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